PhD candidates Martina Rusconi and Xiaodong Lu from the COMPASS group took part in the 29th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics […]
PhD candidates Martina Rusconi and Xiaodong Lu from the COMPASS group took part in the 29th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics […]
The new paper published in MDPI Aerospace by Francesco Salmaso, Mirko Trisolini, and Camilla Colombo applies Deep Learning and Recurrent Neural Network to the prediction of the re-entry time of uncontrolled space objects.
How to deorbit spacecrafts efficiently to guarantee the sustainability of the space environment? Last week Xiaodong Lu presented an approach to design the end-of-life disposal for spacecrafts at I-CELMEC Conference.
The Meng Thesis work of our student Christian Fusaro on re-entry predictions and demisability analysis of spacecraft in Highly Elliptical Orbits (HEO) has been selected for the ESA INTEGRAL Picture of the Month.
Can we predict the long-term disposal of satellites in highly elliptical orbits? Do they pose a risk at re-entry? Check the latest article in the Journal of Space Safety Engineering of our student Christian Fusaro, with Mirko Trisolini and Camilla Colombo to find out!
Free access to the paper for 50 days at this link .
The re-entry prediction and demisability of geosynchronous spacecraft are studied in the latest Open Access paper published in Advances in Space Research by Mirko Trisolini and Camilla Colombo.
The paper is freely available in Open Access at this link.
How to model meteoroids entry? Check out a new probabilistic continuum model in the paper on Icarus by Simone Limonta, Mirko Trisolini, Stefan Frey and Camilla Colombo. The paper is freely available in Open Access at this link.
The COMPASS team attended the 16th International Conference on Space Operations, held virtually 3-5 May, 2021. Check out the presentations by Camilla Colombo, Francesca Scala, Mirko Trisolini and Matteo Romano at
The COMPASS group participated to the 8th European Conference on Space Debris organised by ESA/ESOC on 20-23 April 2021. The conference, held every four years, represents the largest gathering of researchers and professional working on space debris related activities and topics. The COMPASS group contributed with 4 oral presentations and 3 posters.
A new open access publication by Mirko Trisolini and Camilla Colombo from the COMPASS team explores the application of a continuum-based approach to the propagation and reconstruction of uncertainties in planetary re-entries. Check it out!