Check out the new paper published on Acta Astronautica by Giacomo Borelli, Gabriella Gaias and Camilla Colombo from Politecnico di Milano, on the SpEye CubeSat project. The work is co-authored by Yu Nakajima from JAXA, Vincenzo Capuano and Fabio Saggiomo from TSD and Giuseppe Leccese and Silvia Natalucci from Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI).
The research work delves into the mission analysis and guidance and control strategy of the SpEye mission, a CubeSat funded by the Alcor Programme of Agenzia Spaziale Italian which will demonstrate inspection and proximity operations capabilities of nanosatellites. The prime of the project is Technosystem Developments, and the partners comprehend D-Orbit, T4i, Planetek, Politecnico di Milano and Università di Napoli Federico II.
Check out the OpenAccess paper published in Acta Astronautica here.