Giacomo Borelli, Alessandro Masat and Matteo Nicoli presented their master thesis work developed within the COMPASS group at the XXV International Congress of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA) held at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
The students presented the innovations and novel contributions of their work to the respective research fields in astrodynamics. Giacomo Borelli’s work focuses on the design of multiple revolution transfer around Earth with low thrust. He developed a novel technique of shaping the perturbed orbit’s phase space to perform orbital transfers with continuous low thrust maneuvers defined with a semi-analytical approach.
Alessandro Masat presented his analysis of orbital resonances in Monte Carlo simulations for planetary protection and defense.
Finally, Matteo Nicoli presented a first order analytical solution for distant retrograde orbits in the context of the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem.