New Acta Astronautica paper on active debris removal service for large constellations is out!

How can we guarantee the long-term sustainability of the constellation? One of the solution is represented by the development of active debris removal and servicing activities for the constellation fleet.
The new paper published in Acta Astronautica by @Giacomo Borelli, @Gabriella Gaias, @Camilla Colombo presents a design of the rendezvous and proximity operations required for an active debris removal service for large constellation.

Check it out for a 50-days free access at: here.

COMPASS at International Astronautical Congress 2021

The COMPASS group participated to the 72nd International Astronautical Congress this October in Dubai, UAE.

The COMPASS members participating contributed to the technical programme of the congress with several presentation on topics such as space debris, collision avoidance, asteroid ejecta dynamics, formation flying and active debris removal, and sustainability of space. For more info on the research works presented at the congress visit our LinkedIn page.