I am currently a PhD student at the Politecnico di Milano within the COMPASS group since 2020. My academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Parma and a Master’s degree in Space Engineering from Politecnico di Milano.
Prior to my doctoral studies, I served as a research fellow at the COMPASS group, contributing to mission analysis and the design of guidance, navigation, and control systems for the Sunrise project, an ESA and OneWeb funded study for an active debris removal service for large constellations. In my current Ph.D. research, I am concentrating on strategies for ensuring safe operations in proximity for In Orbit Servicing (IOS) and Active Debris Removal (ADR) missions. Specifically, my focus is on the development of guidance and control strategies with enhanced safety characteristics exploiting relative orbital elements. Moreover, I study the impact of debris population properties for optimal target selection of targets for ADR mission. From March 2023 I worked on the SpEye mission, a 6U CubeSat funded by the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) through the Alcor programme and aims to demonstrate inspection and proximity operations capabilities of a nanosatellite. Within the project I studied the mission analysis, guidance and control and flight safety aspects.
Among my interest are advanced GNC strategies, trajectory optimisation, astrodynamics, and space sustainability.
Current research within COMPASS
- Active debris removal missions
- Proximity operations guidance and control
- Trajectory optimisation
Other research
- Design of Active Debris Removal Service For Large Constellation Providers
- GRACC – GNC and Robotic Arm Combined Control
- FTSLS – Future Tracking of Satellites & Launcher Stages
- Modelling and simulation of an on-orbit experiment for testing a novel engine technology
- SpEye inspection CubeSat